Rafin Tabo Mission Outreach

(A Special Report on the Rafin Tabo Ikara Mission Outreach from 3rd to 5th April, 2019)

The Hausa Christians Foundation (HACFO) under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in partnership with Hasken Rayuwa Afrika Ministry, went out on a mission outreach to the people of Rafin Tabo in Ikara local government area of Kaduna State Nigeria, and it gladdens our hearts to report to you the mighty things the Hands of God has wrought through us.

The three days outreach witness in practical terms the fulfillment of Jesus’ words in Mark 16:15-18 which says:
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they* will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Within these three days, we reached to Rafin Tabo Community and its environs like Ungwar Lado, Ungwar Chiroma and others. The outreach was characterized with a series of teaching, counseling sessions, prayer and deliverance and film shows. The people came out with a contrite heart and receptive mind and the Lord quench their thirst and hunger through the power of His word. We literarily saw God doing Good to these people; Healing the sick, breaking chains, liberating the captives and those who were bound for years have been set free. Many more souls were added to the Family of God, and even some received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of the Speaking in tongues and lots of testimonies.

In each of the three communities visited, attendance was between 300-500 people. The many that gave their lives to Christ were handed over to the priest working in those axes for a proper discipleship.

To the Glory of God, we recorded the following increase into God’s Kingdom:
• More than 250 people gave their lives to Christ
• More than 100 people where healed, and delivered from the Oppression of the Devil.
• The students of Christ the King Academy in Rafin Tabo also experienced God’s power, love, grace and mercy and over seventy (70) students gave their lives to Jesus Christ; even some among them got filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of Speaking in tongues.

This Outreach is just a foretaste of the major Kaduna State Mission Outreach and Crusade that is to come soonest. As HACFO remains committed to uniting the Church, Reviving the Church, Perfecting the saints and winning more souls for Christ, we enjoin you to partner with us in groaning (prayers), going and giving to reclaim the Hausa Land for the Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Indeed, how beautiful are the feet of him who carries the good news…… (Isaiah 52:7a)


Our exploits in God’s vineyard would not have been possible without the faithful support of our friends and partners. Thank you our Partners

For more information please contact us through:
Twitter: @hacfo
+234(0)8057543004, +234(0)8097160037

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