The 3rd Hausa Christians National Youths Conference of the Hausa Christians Foundation (HACFO) Held at Jacaranda Farms Events and Conference Centre Kaduna State under the theme “Kingdom First” (Matthew 6:33) was a huge Success to the glory of God.
The conference was formally declared open on 15th October, 2020 at about 4:30pm with the opening charge by the Director of Missions of HACFO, Bro. Inusa Ibrahim. The timely conference was specially orchestrated by the Spirit of God to spur the National awakening of the Northern Nigeria especially the Hausa Land and to ignite a fresh zeal, fire and passion for a relentless and strategic kingdom impacts throughout the Hausa Lands of Nigeria.
In attendance at the Conference were Seasoned Ministers and Captains of Industries from within and outside Nigeria with many decades of experience of impacting lives around the world. More so, other very distinguished youths from more than 15 states of Northern Nigeria and Nigeria as a whole gathered in the unity of the Spirit to get empowered and go to change their societies positively for the Kingdom of God.

The Conference had 14 spirit filled sessions with 6 Seasoned Ministers as follows:
1) Revd. (Dr.) Ishaku Amah-Kabong (Bamako Mali)
2) Revd. Kosmi Ilegogie (Kaduna Nigeria)
3) Revd Stella Kosmi-Ilegogie (Kaduna Nigeria)
4) Pastor Comfort Jummai Bangoji (Kaduna Nigeria)
5) Pastor Adebayo Olawale (Kaduna Nigeria)
6) Ambs. Joshua Danlami Jydson (Kaduna Nigeria)
Apart from the many other issues discussed during the breakout sessions, the Conference Speakers graciously dealt with the following topics:
1. Northern Nigeria, the Realities, the Challenges and the Opportunities (Ambs. J. D. Jydson)
2. Kingdom First: Practical Ways to make God’s Kingdom, one’s topmost priority in a time like this. (Revd. Dr. Ishaku Y. Amah-Kabong)
3. The Kingdom Success Keys in the Market place, Ministry, Life and Family (By Revd. Kosmi Ilegogie)
4. The Kingdom and the Roles of Faith (Pastor Stella Ilegogie)
5. The God’s Big Picture of the Hausa Land (Ambs. J. D. Jydson)
6. Marriage, the Blessings, the Realities and the Responsibilities (Pastor Comfort Jummai Bangoji)
7. Wisdom for Business and Economic Stability in a Challenging Environment like Northern Nigeria (Pastor Adebayo Olawale)
8. The Seven Mountains of Influence (Keys to a Lifelong Relevance and Dominion Ambs. J. D. Jydson)

Ambs. Joshua Danlami Jydson
Revd. (Dr.) Shaku Amah-Kabong

Revd. Kosmi Ilegogie Ministering (Right)
Pastor Stella Kosmi-Ilegogie Ministering (Right)

Pastor Comfort Jummai Bangoji
Ambs. J. D. Jydson(Right) and Pastor Adebayo Olawale (Left)

Revd (Dr.) Shaku Amah-Kabong, Revd. Kosmi Ilegogie, Mrs. Nana Bage and Ambs. J. D. Jydson
Bro. Inusa Ibrahim, Revd (Dr.) Shaku Amah-Kabong, Revd. Kosmi Ilegogie, Pastor Stella Kosmi-Ilegogie and Ambs. J. D. Jydson

Bro. Inusa Ibrahim, Revd (Dr.) Shaku Amah-Kabong, Pastor Comfort Bangoji, Ambs. J. D. Jydson, Mrs. Jummai J. D. Jydson and Ven. Yahaya Ibrahim (from the right)
Ven. Yahaya Ibrahim Giving Goodwill message
Some of the resolutions adequately dealt with are:
We the Hausa and Northern Christian Youths disassociate ourselves from all the injustices done to many people in the country in the name of the northern Nigeria. We wish to call on the Muhammadu Buhari led admiration must to at least for once show a reasonable and sincere leadership to all Nigerians. Nigeria has no future if the youths are constantly neglected and relegated to the background. It is glaring that the Nigerian government does not consider the future in most of its decisions, plans and activities which made it impossible for the youths to be carried along.
We therefore join and support the end SARS movement and urgently call o the Nigerian government to stop the celebration of corruption and corrupt officials that it has been known for. We also vehemently reject the continued nepotism shown by the current government in power. Nigeria is for all Nigerians and every Nigerian should be respected, accepted and carried along in all National Issues.
The insecurity of lives and properties seem to have gone beyond control. An honest government will give room for competent hands to come on board and salvage the situation. Thousands of our brothers and sisters across the Northern states, have been butchered and some displaced from their settlements. Many of our settlements have been destroyed, burnt or currently occupied by the terrorists. We call on the Nigerian government to do everything within its power to bring the current insecurity to an end or resign.
Nepotism in this country is gradually drifting this country to its doom days. The Nigerian Government must desist from such unhealthy acts. The government must embrace everybody irrespective of tribal, regional and religious differences. If Nigeria must work, Nigeria must be for every Nigerian. The promotion of mediocrity, nepotism, failure and intimidation will only lead to a failed state.
The unity of the Church is non-negotiable especially at this time. The Church must be the Church of Christ that is known for its love, unity and the likeness of Christ. We must rise against personal interests and denominational differences and be one indivisible family united in the love of Christ and the original doctrines of the Church. Now is the time to build people not just structures. The Northern Nigerian Church is suffering from so many issues that call for urgent intervention both from within and without. As a church living among wolves, we must get our house in order so as to shine the light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ in a dying and dangerous environment like Northern Nigeria.

A Cross section of a Joyful moment at the Conference
A Cross section of a Joyful moment at the Conference
The Hausa Land and Northern Nigeria is ripe for the harvest of souls. HACFO is ready for winning and harvesting these souls for Christ. We are calling on all and sundry to support and partner with the Hausa Christians Foundation in doing the Master’s business. From anywhere you are as a Christian, HACFO is a fertile ground you can sow and expect a bumper harvest with 100 times benefits both in this life and eternity.
We must also device the right and most effective means of taking the Gospel to the Market Place. We must partner with God to fill the Northern Nigeria with the knowledge of God as waters cover the sea. The gospel must be preached fearlessly always and diligently.
As the return of Jesus Christ draws near, we must drastically go out to win the world for Christ.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it. All Hausa and the Northern Christian Youths must never be entangled by our past experiences. We must begin to prepare and take over the future with full confidence. We are meant to be the head in everything and never the tail; above only and never beneath. As Christians, Relevance is our Birthright and so the need to remain obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit as He leads us to the right path. We must shun all the effects of slavery that have caged our minds to be unproductive and be committed to taking the full responsibilities of our future.
Christian Youths are the light of the world. They are the leaders that should take over all the seven mountains of influence such Politics, Religion, Business, Media and Communication, Family, Education and Arts and Entertainment(Celebration). We should shun all forms of unproductiveness and overdependence on the government and engage in profitable ventures that will liberate us totally. Acquiring certificate is not enough, we must engage in profitable businesses that reciprocate our certificates. The time of staying and waiting for jobs is therefore, over, we must start creating jobs and become productive to our societies.

From the Right: Ambs. J. D. Jydson and Revd. (Dr.) Ishaku Amah-Kabong
Participants during an Interactive Session at the conference
The abduction and forceful Islamization of our young Christian Girls in Northern Nigeria has become a watershed issue. Many Christian families have been inflicted with the pain of losing their loved ones not death but to some Islamists who are in the business of superimposing their religious beliefs on others hence the incessant abduction and forced conversion of our young Christian girls. These girls while in Islamic captivity are always subjected to evil acts and sexual abuses that ended up in ruining the lives and the future of most of them.
For the interest of peace and the progress of our nation Nigeria, we call on the Nigerian government come up with laws that will bring such acts to an end. As civilized and peace loving people that we the Northern Christians have been known for, we chose the right path to dialogue on this issue. Failure to do such will give birth to a severe religious intolerance across Northern Nigeria which will not be healthy for the region and the country at large.
The conference rejects the continuous indiscriminate killings of Nigerians and the seemingly incessant kidnapping that has become a business venture especially in Northern Nigeria. We therefore urge the Federal and States Government of Nigeria to as a matter of urgency do everything possible within its power to ensure that the killings stop and the perpetrators are brought to book. The security of lives and properties of the nation should not continue to be politicized. Lives of Nigerians should be held sacred by all people.
7) Finally, the Hausa Christians Foundation (HACFO) has reiterated her commitment to a united, better and committed Hausa and Northern Christian Youths who will take advantage of all the opportunities that come their way to give birth to a new breed of productive and responsible minds in the Hausa land.

Participants during an Interactive Session at the conference
Participants during an Interactive Session at the conference
The Conference came to an end with a Worship Concert on the 18th of October 2020 at about 2:00am
Dated this 18th day of October 2020 at Jacaranda Farm’s Events and Conference Centre Kaduna, Kaduna State
1. Sis. Comfort Stephen
(Communiqué Committee Secretary)
2. Ambs. Joshua Jydson Danlami
(HACFO Founder and Lead Minister)